When I work with clients I love getting them to identify their why.

I invite them to write down the reason for doing what they do and why it’s important for them. It helps them to get complete clarity on their direction in life and their purpose, which is the underlying bedrock to success.

I used to think I was meant to be great at a corporate job and climb the ladder but trying to break the glass ceiling of that world burnt me out.

When I realized what I really loved and was passionate about – people – transformation- growth -empowering women- I later realized this was my “why” for doing the work that I do.

I was being called to help women who felt like I once did..undervalued.

Now my why is:
To empower women with safe and sacred spaces through my retreats, group programmes and 1 to 1 coaching to do soulpurposed wok they love and step into their power.
This morning I was sat journaling and realized where I am today was once a faraway dream.

So today I want to share >>>>>>>>4 essential tools to help you move forward faster in your business.

1.>>>>Passion – Turn the volume up on this not down. The level of your passion will determine your vibration. Your vibration increases your frequency, the higher your frequency you emit on a daily basis, the faster you’ll manifest.

2.>>>> Your persistence – Please do not give up, even when it seems hard. No matter what your next level looks like. If you’re trying to conquer getting new clients, keep going serving other people, and hone your craft. If it feels like too many challenges are in the way, know that they are there to build, you not to block you. No journey worth fighting for ever comes without a few bumps. Enjoy the ride.

3.>>>> Purpose – Guard this with your life. Your purpose is the foundation to your success. It will lead your vision. It will empower your self-belief and will carve out your unique programmes, workshops, and services and indeed connect you to your soulmate clients. Wear your purpose as a badge of honour and you will see more opportunities and possibilities arise in your business.

4.>>>> Profit – Keep focused on your income goals and change your money mindset. If you want to be changing people’s lives, giving value, changing people’s emotions with your work – know what you will need to sell what you do. Your thoughts beliefs and emotions about money are pivotal in creating your success. If you believe you can dow what you love and get paid handsomely for it – guess what? It will happen for you eventually because it’s your dominant thought.
But, if you have disempowering beliefs such as “its hard to find clients that will pay me”, “ I cant charge what I really think I’m worth” ” I have to charge by the hour” or “ making money is hard” guess what? Those dominant thoughts will come true

The coaching I provide helps you to walk the talk, own the work that you do and turn your side hustle into a full-time business. Together we transform your mindset, self-belief so you feel confident in getting sales and move towards the freedom and flexibility you desire plus attract the money you deserve.

What is your why? I’d love to hear in the comments!